


Workshops: Jim's 3-count

Source: Isaac Orr's Home Page
Text and illustrations: Isaac Orr
Pattern originator: Jim Brennan

Description / Notes:
This is one of a whole family of patterns. In the basic version of Jim's 3 Count, appearing in the causal diagram below, the only departure from the normal scheme of the Base Pattern is that one juggler passes diagonal singles to the other's straight passes (whereas in the base pattern both pass straight). This causes each hand to pass twice in a row, for the 'straight's thrower in the rhythm RRLL, and for the diagonals thrower in the similar rhythm RLLR.

The roles can be switched on the fly on any beat, but multiples of 4 beats between switches make sense because the cycle is 4 beats long. It may also be taken one step further by each juggler switching on whim, even every beat, without telling his partner. The resulting unplannable pattern is the Random 3 Count, one of the most fun things you can ever juggle (particularly as a feed to two 6 counts - plenty of time for the 6 counters to digest the hurries, even too long if you can manage a random PPS feed to two 3 counts!). The random 3 count is highly prone to collisions, but these can be subdued (if not entirely eliminated) by working with a constant partner, and sticking to the advice in Martin's article mentioned above.

All these patterns are entirely doable and are not much harder at all than the base 3 count pattern: Just let go of your "Right, Left, Right, Left" marching soldier style throwing habits and it all falls into place without effort.

Once Jim's 3 Count and the standard 6 club 1 count are both solid try Jim's 1 Count. Same principle as Jim's 3 Count only without the selves - it's certainly not much harder than the standard 1 count.

Play By Play (4 Rounds):
A: ... R-R, L-R, R-L, L-L, L-R, R-L, L-L, L-R, R-L, R-R, R-L, L-R, ...
B: ... R-L, R-L, L-R, R-L, L-R, R-L, L-R, L-R, R-L, L-R, R-L, L-R, ...

Causal Diagram (2 cycles + 2 beats):
Causal Diagram
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