SJC 2014
The annual Swedish Juggling Convention (SJC) gathers participants from all over Sweden and sometimes from other countries as well. We meet to practice and socialize druring the Easter. You are welcome whether you're a beginner or a professional juggler!
Svenska jonglörsföreningen ensures that every year there is a Swedish Juggling Convention somewhere in Sweden. Many years SJF has arranged the convention themselves, but this year Fritidsjonglörerna is running the event, of course in cooperation with SJF!
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Where and When
The Swedish Juggling Convention 2014 will be in Bandhagshallen in Stockholm. You can get to the place with the subway in 17 minutes from the central statation.
The convention opens on April 18 at 15:00 and ends the same time on April 21.
On the night of the first convention day, Johan Wellton will show his ongoing project GLITCH in Alby at 19:00 for convention attendees. There are only 40 seats for the show, and some of them will be distributed to SJC participants in order of registration. It takes about an hour to get to Alby using public transport, so be at the convention early so that you have time to get to the show after registration!
Price and Registration
The price of the convention is 300 SEK if you pre-register (no later than April 11th), and 400 SEK at the convention. Daily passes are available at 200 SEK per day (including sleeping space until the day after).
In addition to saving some money you also help us plan the convention if you pre-register here.
Sleeping Space and Food
Bandhagshallen is divided into two gyms: one large and one small. We will sleep in the smaller gym and use the large gym for juggling. Breakfast will be available. The convention price includes sleeping space and breakfast.
There are some food places in Bandhagen, and in Högdalen (about 1 km away) there are more. Unfortunately there is no possibility to cook your own food.
We will of course offer a number of workshops. Those that are decided before the convention will be announced in the convention schedule as soon as we know about them, and during the convention there will of course be a notice board where more workshops can be announced.
Please get in touch with us if you want to give a workshop and announce it in the convetion program!
Showen kommer att äga rum på Teater Reflex i Kärrtorp kl 19 på påskafton 19 april.
Bland annat Samuli Männistö NMN, Unitwins, Axel Adlercreutz, Nathan Biggs-Penton och Julian Sæther kommer att uppträda.
Showbiljett ingår i konventpriset. Annars kostar biljetterna 100 kr (50 kr för studerande, och gratis för barn upp till 10 år). Konventdeltagare kan köpa biljetter för 50 kr till vänner som vill se showen.
T-shirts från konventet finns att beställa från Jongleringspartiets shop hos Spreadshirt.
Preliminärt program
Fredag 18 april 2014 | ||
15:00 | Konventet öppnar | |
19:00 | Johan Welltons GLITCH i Alby, endast för föranmälda (om man inte har tur och det finns plats över!) | |
21:45 | Informationsmöte | |
22:00 | Fire Night | |
24:00 | Workshop: Staffan Ulfberg - Speed passing (lär känna dem som passar käglor!) | |
Lördag 19 april 2014 | ||
09:00-12:00 | Frukost | |
14:00 | Workshop: Unitwins enhjulingsworkshop | |
15:00 | Workshop: Staffan Ulfberg - Kägelpassning | |
18:00 | Samling vid konvententrén för gemensam avfärd mot Kärrtorp. | |
19:00 | Show (Teater Reflex i Kärrtorp) | |
Söndag 20 april 2014 | ||
09:00-12:00 | Frukost | |
13:00 | Games | |
15:00 | Årsmöte SJF | |
16:00 | Workshop: Staffan Ulfberg - Avancerad kägelpassning | |
17:00 | Workshop: Petter Wadsten - Workshop a-la-Petter | |
19:00 | Open stage | |
Måndag 21 april 2014 | ||
09:00-12:00 | Frukost | |
15:00 | Konventet stänger |
Contact Information
If you need additional information contact or call Staffan Ulfberg at +46708135969.
You will also find the event on facebook.